

报 告 人:苏国辉 中国科学院院士

报告时间:2021年4月9日 15:00



苏国辉教授,1977年于美国麻省理工大学获得博士学位。广州暨南大学粤港澳中枢神经再生研究院院长,荣誉教授,香港大学何冯月燕基金明德教授(神经科学),脑与认知科学国家重点实验室、社会学院、眼科学系解剖学讲座教授,中国科学院院士,中国脊髓损伤研究协作组董事会联席主席,中国 Neural Regeneration Research 杂志总编辑。

苏国辉教授于1985年首先证实了使用外周神经的移植方法可以使成年哺乳动物的视网膜节细胞长距离再生。研究方向是使用多渠道的方法,来促进视神经及脊髓轴突再生。致力研究探索神经保护和再生的因素,包括纳米医学、营养因子、运动、中草药提取物、其他一些小分子、免疫反应、 康复训练等。 1995年荣获国家自然科学奖(中国国家自然科学基金),1999年获选为中国科学院院士,2015年获选为美国发明家学会院士 (FNAI, Fellow of US National Academy of Inventors),2017年获选为 DABI (Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives)会员,2019 年获选为中国医学科学院学部委员, 2021年获选为美国医学及生物工程学会院士。共发表SCI论文490多篇;拥有专利 46 项。

Brief Introduction of Professor SO, Kwok-Fai

Director of GHM Institute of CNS Regeneration at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, meritus Professor, Jessie Ho Professor in Neuroscience, Chair of Anatomy in the State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Sciences in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Dept. of Ophthalmology, The University of Hong Kong; member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Co-Chairman of the Board of Director of the ChinaSCINet, and Editor-in-Chief of Neural Regeneration Research. He received PhD degree from MIT. He is one of the pioneers in the field of axonal regeneration in visual system. He was the first to show lengthy regeneration of retinal ganglion cells in adult mammals with peripheral nerve graft. He is currently using multiple approaches to promote axonal regeneration after injury in the optic nerve and spinal cord. His team identifies neuroprotective and regenerative factors including: exercise, wolfberry, trophic factors, peptide nanofiber scaffold. He obtained the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 1995. He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999; FNAI (Fellow of US National Academy of Inventors) in 2015; a member of DABI (Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives) in 2017; elected Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Medical Science in 2019 and in 2021 elected member of College of Fellows, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE FELLOW). He is the author and co-author of over 490+ publications; and co-inventors of 46 patents.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2021-04-06