


主讲人:Prof. Roger A. Falconer 英国皇家工程院院士 中国工程院外籍院士

题目:Global and Regional Water Security: Need for a Systems Based Approach


Roger A. Falconer是英国卡迪夫大学工学院的荣誉教授,英国皇家工程院院士,中国工程院外籍院士,欧洲科学院院士,国际水利与环境工程学会(IAHR)前主席。他于1976年在英国帝国理工学院获得博士学位,先后在伯明翰大学(1977-86年,讲师)、布拉德福德大学(1987-97年,教授)和卡迪夫大学(1997-2018年,教授)任职。他在水利和环境工程领域积累了40多年的科学研究、模型开发及工程应用经验,并主持了大量水环境模拟方面的研究项目,参与了全球100多项环境影响评估(EIA)研究。在水利和环境工程领域的相关期刊及学术会议上发表了450多篇论文,并在国际会议上发表了40多次主题演讲,同时受邀在30多个国家开展了560多次关于城市洪水、水资源安全和潮汐能利用方面的学术讲座。Falconer教授凭借其研究成果和学术影响力,获得了诸如IAHR的Ippen奖、英国皇家工程院(RAEng)个人成就银质奖章、英国土木工程师协会(ICE)Telford Premium等奖项,以及2022年度中国政府友谊奖。

Roger A. Falconer教授一直致力于各类计算水环境模型的开发及应用,用于预测河口海岸及河道内的水动力、水质及泥沙输移过程。Falconer教授主导开发的三个水环境模型(FASTER、DIVAST和TRIVAST),已被广泛应用于预测不同水域内的一维、二维和三维水流运动和物质运移过程。其中DIVAST二维水动力学模型在英国和国际上被广泛应用于城市洪水演进及洪水风险评估等领域。这些模型已被多个国家的政府采购,用于全球超过100项水环境评估项目中,并被18个国家的60多所学术机构采纳用于科学研究。

Brief Bio of Prof. Roger A. Falconer

Roger is an Emeritus Professor of Water and Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University, a Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering, a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He was President of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (2011-15) and was made an Honorary Member in 2017. He graduated from Imperial College with a PhD in 1976, followed by positions at the universities of Birmingham (Lecturer, 1977-86), Bradford (Professor 1987-97), and Cardiff (Professor 1997-2018).

Specialized as an academic and practitioner, he acquired over 40 years of experience in applied research, development and management in water and environmental engineering. He has managed a wide range of research projects on hydro-environmental modelling and has been involved in over 100 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies worldwide. He has published over 450 papers in leading peer reviewed journals and international conference proceedings and delivered over 40 keynote presentations at international conferences and over 560 talks on flooding, water security and tidal energy in over 30 countries. Roger has received many awards for his research impact and project activities, including the prestigious: IAHR Ippen Award, Royal Academy Silver Medal, ICE Telford Premium, and the Chinese Government Friendship Award.

Prof. Falconer's research has continued in the development and application of computer models for predicting flow, water quality and sediment transport processes in coastal, estuarine and inland waters. He has developed three widely used computational hydro-environmental models, namely FASTER, DIVAST and TRIVAST for predicting 1D, 2D and 3D hydrodynamic, pollutant and sediment transport processes in aquatic basins. His DIVAST model provides one of the 2-D engines available within Flood Modeller (developed by Jacobs), which is used extensively in the UK and internationally for flood risk modelling. These models have been acquired by consulting companies and government organisations, for application to over 100 hydro-environmental impact assessment studies worldwide, and by over 60 academic institutions in 18 countries for research studies.

发布单位: 科学技术发展研究院

发布日期: 2023-10-25